Griffith University, Queensland Museum Network, Queensland Government
iPhone and Android app
colour photographs for all species
electronic search function to find scientific and common names

More info: Coastal Life of South East Queensland app
A free app for iPones and Android available on Apple iTunes and Google Play.
Coastal Life of SE Qld app review
Coastal Life of SE Qld is a free app that lets users explore life on the rocky shores, muddy sandflats and mangroves of SE Queensland and identify the species they find.
The app assists users with the identification of over 540 species of plants and animals from a variety of coastal communities and habitats across South East Queensland. It is a companion application to the Queensland Museum’s publication Wild Guide to Moreton Bay and Adjacent Coasts.
How to identify a species
The selection screen allows the user to filter to a specific group of coastal species. These include, for example, anemones and corals, crabs and shrimps, attached species, flotsam, jellyfish, plants, etc…
Once you have selected a group, you can use additional filters to get a more accurate identification. For example, within the Shells group, there are two additional filters: shape and habitat.
After filtering, the user will get a list of species, each with a thumbnail photograph.
There are 540 species described in the app. For each species there is a description page with photograph, features description, taxonomic information, a short habitat descritpion, and distribution information.
This is a great app to use on the beach!
More info: Coastal Life of South East Queensland app