The following excellent websites on Australian biodiversity, I can strongly recommend.
Below all resources are sorted by title.

Atlas of Living Australia
The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is a collaborative, national project that aggregates biodiversity data from multiple sources ...

AusGrass website
The AusGrass website is a free interactive information system and identification key for 1323 native and naturalised species of grass in Australia ...

Australian Bugs
The Australian Bugs website has links to many resources about Australian bugs: insects, spiders, ants, bees, wasps, beetles, and more ...

Australian Butterflies website
The Australian Butterflies website by Martin Purvis has excellent photographs of 319 Australian butterfly species ...

Australian Caterpillars and their Butterflies and Moths website
The Australian Caterpillars and their Butterflies and Moths website has images and links to information on Australian caterpillars, butterflies and moths ...

Australian Freshwater Molluscs website
The Australian Freshwater Molluscs website is a free interactive information and identification site for Australian freshwater molluscs (snails and bivalves) ...

Australian Moths Online website
The Australian Moths Online website is a database of excellent images of Australian moths from the CSIRO Australian National Insect Collection ...

Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants website
Rainforest Plants of Australia is an interactive identification key and information software package. It includes species descriptions and feature information to identify over 1100 species of rainforest trees, shrubs and climbing plants of mainland eastern Australia. These species may occur in a variety of rainforests from Rockhampton, in Queensland, to Victoria ...

Birds in Backyards website
The Birds in Backyards website is a research, education and conservation program of BirdLife Australia. It focuses on the birds that live where people live and has a great Bird Finder identification tool on its site ...

Brisbane Insects and Spiders website
The Brisbane Insects and Spiders website provides descriptions, classification information and colour image(s) for many insects in that area ...

Canberra Plant Selector Tool
Canberra Plant Selector is an interactive tool designed by the ACT Government to select suitable plants for gardens in a Canberra climate ...

Census of the Flora of the Australian Capital Territory
Census of the flora of the ACT lists the scientific names of native and naturalised plants, fungi, lichens, hornworts, liverworts, mosses and slime moulds ...

Corals of the World website
The Corals of the World website by Great Barrier Reef specialist Charlie Vernon, has information, descriptions, distributions on all corals in the world, including all those in Australian waters ...

eFlora — Vascular Plants of the Sydney Region
eFlora Sydney — Vascular Plants of the Sydney Region is an interactive, dichotomous key to all species of vascular plants in the Sydney region. The identification keys, plant descriptions and botanical glossary have been adapted from the 5th edition of the Flora of the Sydney Region (Pellow, Henwood and Carolin 2009) ...

eFloraSA — Electronic Flora of South Australia
The Electronic Flora of South Australia aims to provide a comprehensive online account of the plants of South Australia. The website includes several components: the Plant Distribution Mapper, the Census of South Australian Plants, Algae and Fungi, plant fact sheets (based on the 1986 edition of the Flora of South Australia), and plant identification tools ...

EUCLID Eucalypts of Australia website
The EUCLID Eucalypts of Australia website has an online database and interactive identification tool of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus, Corymbia, Angophora) species in Australia. The database contains information on 934 species and subspecies, and covers all Australian states and territories ...

Find a bird — Birdlife Australia
The 'Find a bird' page on the Birdlife Australia website has pictures and lots of information on bird identification, location and behaviour ...

Flora and fauna of the the Pinnacle Nature Reserve (ACT)
This webpage lists flora and fauna identified in The Pinnacle Nature Reserve in Canberra. It also has photographs ...

Flora of Australia online
The Flora of Australia online, based on the published Flora of Australia, lists the names, characteristics, distribution and habitat of Australian plants ...

FloraBase — The Western Australian Flora
FloraBase is a public access web-based database of the flora of Western Australia. It provides authoritative scientific information on 12,978 taxa, including descriptions, maps, images, conservation status and nomenclatural details ...

FloraNT — Northern Territory Flora Online
FloraNT — Northern Territory Flora Online is the primary online resource for information on the Northern Territory’s flora. Images and distributions maps, species checklists, flora descriptions, conservation and weed status, ecological attributes, and ethno-botanical information are all available ...

Fungi in Australia
The Fungi in Australia ebooks (PDF) include 380 species of fungi, with 2000 excellent images. They help naturalists identify fungi from native Australian forests ...

Honkey Nuts
The Honkey Nuts website displays images and information about native trees and shrubs in the Perth region of Western Australia ...

Key to Tasmanian Vascular Plants
The Key to Tasmanian Vascular Plants website is an interactive online tool to identify vascular plants of Tasmania ...

NatureMapr website and app
The NatureMapr website is a citizen science platform that helps organisations collect, manage and analyse information from the natural world ...

New South Wales Flora online
Data on the NSW Flora online website are derived from the printed Flora of New South Wales, augmented with data from electronic sources maintained by the National Herbarium of New South Wales. The website contains plant descriptions, an index, and identification keys to families, genera and species ...

North Queensland Plants website
The North Queensland Plants website is a private site with images of about 2000 Australian plants. It has a focus on plants of North Queensland and all photos are taken in the wild and identified ...

NSW Sutherland Shire Plant Selector
The NSW Sutherland Plant Selector is an interactive tool designed by Sutherland Shire to select suitable plants for gardens in a local climate ...

Plant identification keys to Western Australian plants
The plant identification keys published by the Western Australian Herbarium allow the identification of more than 3400 species of Western Australia's wildflowers in eight major families ...

Plants and Fungi of South Western New South Wales
The Plants and Fungi of South Western New South Wales app describes 1100 plants in South Western NSW and includes a tool to identify plants: a great way to learn! ...

Plants of South Eastern New South Wales
The Plants of South Eastern New South Wales app describes 3900 plants in South Eastern NSW and includes a tool to identify plants: a great way to learn! ...

Seeds of South Australia website
The Seeds of South Australia website is a unique website with special information about seeds of South Australian native plants ...

Tasfungi website
The Tasfungi website shares information on Tasmanian fungi. It includes an identification tool and many excellent photographs ...

The Caterpillar Key website
The Caterpillar Key is a scientific identification key for Australian caterpillar families. It focuses on families of biosecurity concern to N Australia ...

The cicadas of Australia website
The cicadas of Australia website is an amazing resource on Australian cicadas. It provides cicada images, scientific and common names ...

Trees and shrubs of Black Mountain, Mount Ainslie and Mount Majura
This is a plant identification key for trees and shrubs in the ACT reserves of Black Mountain, Mount Ainslie and Mount Majura. The key is based on vegetative characteristics (non flowering or fruiting characteristics) ...

WATTLE Acacias of Australia 3
WATTLE Acacias of Australia 2.2 is an online database to identify wattles (Acacia) species in Australia. It contains all known species that have been described to date (2018). This is a great tool, but requires botanical knowledge and knowledge of the database, Lucid key, functionality. It is available free online ...

Weeds Australia website
The Weeds Australia website has information about 398 weed species in Australia; why weeds are a problem; how to identify and record them; and how to manage them ...

Wildflowers of the Darwin region
The Wildflowers of the Darwin region website shows many plant photographs of the local flora around Darwin. Flowers are organised by colour ...