iPhone and Android app
distribution maps and colour photographs for all species
by common name

A free app for iPones and Android available on Apple iTunes and Google Play.
The Field Guide to Queensland Fauna app is a great way to explore Queensland’s unique and diverse wildlife.
The app includes descriptions and photographs of over 560 animal species that occur in Queensland. These include mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles, frogs and invertebrates from terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments.
For each species, the app contains a detailed description, a distribution map, information on the species’ endangered status, audio calls and stunning imagery.
How to use the app
To find an animal you know the name of, you can either look it up in the search field or in the alphabetical list of common names (left image below).
If you are unsure of the name, you can use the list of animal groups to try and identify it (right image below). The groups include vertebrates (birds, mammals, fishes, frogs and toads, lizards, snakes and turtles) and invertebrates (terrestrial, freshwater and marine).
While the app describes many of the vertebrate species in Queensland, it covers only very common invertebrates. But the excellent images make it quite easy to recognise species or species groups when you are not an expert.
For each species in the list, there are one or more images, a summary description, a distribution map in Australia, scarcity information. Sometimes there are also sound recordings. Each of these five sections can be quickly selected via the tabs at the bottom of the screen.
It really is very easy to use.
Other fauna field guides in Australia
The Field Guide to Queensland Fauna app is developed by the Queensland Museum. It is part of a series of Field Guide apps developed by various Australian musea. There is an app for each state and territory in Australia.
The eight apps are some of my most treasured apps on my phone! They are a quick way to try and identify an animal you may find in nature. All the information is on the app, so there is no need to be online.
The apps are available for both Apple and Android devices. You can download them from the App Store and Google Play.
All the apps are free.
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