iPhone and Android app
distribution maps and colour photographs for all species
by scientific name

A free app for iPones and Android available on Apple iTunes and Google Play.
The FrogID project is a national citizen science project that aims to collect data on Australia’s frog species and learn more about what is happening to Australia’s frogs. The project is an initiative of the Australian Museum.
The FrogID project relies on people all around the country who download the app on their smart phone, record frog calls in their neighbourhood and submit these to the project using the app.
FrogID app 
The FrogID app is a way to both participate in the FrogID project and to identify the frogs you may find in Australia.
The frog identification tool on the app is very easy to use. It quickly allows you to narrow down the group of frog species you need to check to identify which frog species you have heard calling.
The FrogID app contains off-line information on 240 frog species that occur in Australia. For each of these species there are one or more frog call recordings. In addition there are close up photographs, a description of the frog, its habitat, breeding biology and a distribution map in Australia.
The tools to narrow down the identification process include:
- location in Australia (you can use your location setting in the phone or select the state/territory) where you heard the frog
- time of year you heard the frog call
- habitat where you heard the frog
- body size of the frog
- colour of the frog.
Once you have set these filter options, you are left with a list op possible frog names and you can further make a selection based on the information provided for each of these species.
Citizen science project
With the data obtained through FrogID the scientists at the Australian Museum are able to do many things:
- identify where frogs are thriving and where they are not
- match calls to weather and habitat
- learn more about how different frog species are responding to a changing environment
- track the Cane Toad.
This information could be crucial in saving Australia’s frogs.
The FrogID website
On the Australian Museum’s FrogID website there is much more information about the project.
This is a great project and has been very successful. It started in November 2017 and to date the project has collected over 126,000 frog calls.