Four volumes
Inkata Press, Melbourne
detailed drawings and maps
a mixed botanical name and common name index that covers volumes 2 to 4

This reference work is out of print.
The data are now available online through the VicFlora website.
Flora of Victoria volumes
Vol1: Introduction
Vol 2: Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons
Vol 3: Dicotyledons (Winteraceae to Myrteceae)
Vol 4: Dicotyledons (Cornaceae to Asteraceae)
These four volumes on the flora of Victoria cover flowering plants, conifers, and ferns and allied plants. The descriptions include both native and naturalised plant species that occur in Victoria.
The introductory volume discusses palaeobotany, botanical exploration, climate, geology and geomorphology, soils, bioregions, Koori plant use, fire ecology, exotic flora and rare or threatened plants.
In the three taxonomic volumes, each species has a standardised description as well as a distribution map and notes on ecology.
Most species have line drawings that show details of significant characteristics, such as flowers and fruits. There are identification keys for families, genera and species, including for infraspecific taxa.
Online access
The original hardcopy volumes of Flora of Victoria are now out of print and out of date.
To access the most comprehensive and up to date account of Victoria’s naturally-occurring vascular plant flora visit the VicFlora website.