Title: A Field Guide to Australian Fungi
Author: Bruce Fuhrer
Publisher: Bloomings Books Pty Ltd
Release Date: 2011
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9781876473518
Illustrated: Colour photographs for all species
Indexed: Mixed scientific and common name index
Rating: * * * * *
Purchase from: Booktopia, Angus & Robertson, AbeBooks
A Field Guide to Australian Fungi was one of the first comprehensive and illustrated books on Australian Fungi. This second edition describes 500 fungi species and has 548 colour photographs of fungi in their natural environment.
The author provides information on fungal biology, ecology, classification, distribution, roles of fungi in nature, and spore prints.
Each description includes size, distribution range, shape, habitat information as well as spore print colour, spore descriptions. There is also a pictorial guide to fungi groups.
This is an excellent book I use all the time to identify fungi.
Purchase from: Booktopia, Angus & Robertson, AbeBooks
Other resources about fungi

Fungi in Australia