The following resources I have reviewed in more detail.
If you have a book, website or app that you would like me to review, you can submit a special request to: admin(at)
Your book, app or website must be non-fiction and deal specifically with Australia’s biodiversity of: plants, animals, fungi, or focus on Australia’s local ecology or biology. I do not review websites with commercial advertising.
If your request is approved, I will review your book honestly and fairly. The review will be added to the website.

Rainforest Trees and Shrubs — Book review
A plant identification book for the botanically minded naturalist to identify rainforest trees and shrubs in Victoria, NSW and subtropical Queensland ...

Native Trees and Shrubs of South-eastern Australia — Book review
Hobby botanists, naturalists and scientists will find this book very useful. It is a great publication that will help you identify the native trees and shrubs of south-eastern Australia. It also has a comprehensive section about south-eastern Australia's regional ecology and geology ...

Birds of Australia — App review
I love the 'Birds of Australia' app. It makes identifying Australian birds in the bush so much easier. It's also a great way to learn more about birds ...

Rainforest Climbing Plants — Book review
This is an essential book for identifying rainforest climbing plants in Victoria, New South Wales and subtropical Queensland (subtropical eastern mainland Australia) ...

Australian Plants for Canberra Region Gardens — Book review
A book that overflows with colour
This book is written for Canberra region gardeners by Canberra region gardeners. It brings together over 50 years of gardening experience by past and present members of the Australian Native Plants Society—formerly the Society for Growing Australian Plants—Canberra Region. This is the fifth edition, extensively revised and now with illustrations for 934 described plants, with many more forms and cultivars listed. The Australian plants selected for this book are likely to grow well in the Canberra region and in other similar cool climate areas. More than one third of the Australian plants included are ...
This book is written for Canberra region gardeners by Canberra region gardeners. It brings together over 50 years of gardening experience by past and present members of the Australian Native Plants Society—formerly the Society for Growing Australian Plants—Canberra Region. This is the fifth edition, extensively revised and now with illustrations for 934 described plants, with many more forms and cultivars listed. The Australian plants selected for this book are likely to grow well in the Canberra region and in other similar cool climate areas. More than one third of the Australian plants included are ...